In one class, the podcasts are to be used with students entering the University in the next academic year. They are to help students overcome the difficulties they face in moving from secondary to tertiary education.
One group has decided to record a 'panel discussion' highlighting problems that they faced, how they were overcome and who students can contact for assistance. Another has decided that they feel 'advice letters' would be useful and have outlined information they feel should be available. A third group has decided to identify and make screencasts of important software - our VLE, the library databases, and other self-access materials - with instructions of their use.
The second class is looking at the areas that they have chosen to research. these are, the supernatural, freedom of speech and natural disasters.
Each group has to produce an outline, a script and then the final podcast. I have suggested Audacity and made it available online through the VLE, as well as taking the classes into the lab to experiment with the application. The groups are also using a wiki, Google doc or Pirate Pad to communicate with members outside class.
The process for all groups is as follows:
1. Students informed of project
2. Students listen to several projects and develop outlines
a. Gap-fill from radio program
b. Class activity from recorded discussion
c. Group activities – downloaded VOA programs
d. Individual/group homework tasks
3. Groups formed and select areas
4. Groups produce outline for podcast
5. Individual and group training on Audacity in labs
6. Practise adding music and effects in labs
7. T returns outlines with comments
8. In class task – 25 mins to write dialogue for 5 min podcast
a. Groups perform their ‘podcasts’
9. Groups write dialogues
10. Feedback from T
11. Refine dialogue and practise recording
12. Introduction to Podbean and Glogster
13. Groups produce Glog to advertise podcast
14. Finished podcasts uploaded to Podbean and T given URLs
15. Class discussions on content
16. Groups can edit if necessary
17. Groups complete peer and self-evaluations
18. Individuals complete reflective ‘essay’ on process.
We have currently reached stage 8, but will not return from the Chinese New Year recess until 10th February when we will review the first steps.